Downloading Stuffit Expander Using America Online

PC Users

Downloading Stuffit Expander for Windows using the built-in file transfer features of America Online couldn't be easier! Here how to do it:

  1. Log on to America Online.
  2. When the Main Screen has loaded, click on the Computers and Software Center button.
  3. Click on The Software Center.
  4. Click on File Search.
  5. Type Stuffit Expander in the box at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Click on the Search button (or just hit the Enter key).
  7. When the list of software titles will appears, click on SITEX10.EXE (You may need to scroll down the list if it doesn't appear at the top of the list.)
  8. Click on Read Description and read the information that appears.
  9. Click on Download Now.
  10. A Save As dialog box will appear giving you the option of saving the downloaded file in a location other than the default C:\AOL\DOWNLOAD folder. (I'd recommend the default location but the choice is yours…)
  11. Click on Save and the download will begin.
  12. A cheery "File's Done" and a on screen announcement will announce the completion of the download.
  13. Log off America Online and close the AOL application.
  14. Open the File Manager (Windows 3.1x) or Windows Explorer (Windows 95).
  15. You will find the downloaded file titled SITEX10.EXE in the Download folder/directory under the AOL folder/directory. Follow this path… C:\AOL\DOWNLOAD
  16. Double-click on the SITEX10.EXE file and follow the onscreen prompts to install Stuffit Expander on your computer's hard disk. (I would recommend accepting the default install locations but again, the choice is yours.)

When you encounter a compressed file (they usually have a .zip suffix), open Stuffit Expander, select Expand from the File menu, navigate to the file you want to expand and click on OK. The compressed file will be expanded and installed in the location of your choosing.