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Course Modules:



Web Searching


Web Searching

Web Search



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"You can find it on the world wide web…"

This is a statement often repeated these days. As the number of webpages available to anyone with a connection to the world wide web continues to grow exponentially, it is certainly true that you might find nearly everything somewhere on the web. However, the process of finding exactly what you are looking for isn’t always easy. Anyone who has tried searching the web knows the frustration of wading through thousands of unrelated webpages and inactive hypertext links.

TEC 3012: Web Searching is designed for busy professionals who are growing weary of wasting their time on fruitless web searching. The course will focus on developing the skills you need to effectively search the web. You will learn to:

  • use web search engines
  • use web indexes and web directories
  • use online libraries and ready reference websites
  • conduct advanced web searches using Boolean operators
  • develop web search strategies
  • optimize web resources management skills

You will learn by doing. This is not a course where you will spend hours reading about web research. After a concise introduction to the topic of exploration, you will work online to refine your web searching skills.

You will work in the context of an online community. E-mail, a course listserve, and a web discussion board will connect you with an online instructor and online guides who will assist you in your mastery of web search tools. You will communicate with fellow professionals, sharing resources and techniques online.

Most of your course materials are located online. The TEC 3012 course website will link you to background readings and tutorials. It should come as no surprise that the most current and useful information on web searching is found online. In this rapidly changing environment, the traditional reference book is often obsolete before it reaches the consumer. The course website will be updated on a regular basis as new resources become available.

The TEC 3012 website will serve as a starting point for your web searching. Hypertext links to the search tools and web resources you will use in the online activities will save you the trouble of typing in those troublesome web addresses.

Course Syllabus


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Fresno Pacific University  |  School of Professional Studies

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Website maintained by Bob Jost | bjost@josts.net | last revised Jan. 1, 2002

Copyright © 1998-2002 by Bob Jost & Geoffrey Jost.  All rights reserved. No part of this website may be
transmitted, stored or recorded in any form without written permission from the authors.