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instructorinteractive syllabusweb searching toolkit

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Course Modules:



Web Searching


Web Searching

Web Search



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Opening multiple web browser windows

Many regular web users never discover that they can open multiple web browser windows when they are online. This technique allows you to have simultaneous connections to more than one webpage and to display the webpages in separate windows on the screen.

This procedure varies from one web browser to the next but is usually a simple matter of clicking on the File menu and selecting New or New Window from the options that appear. Consult your web browser's Help files if you are unable to immediately find this feature.

It is also possible to open a new web browser window by holding down the mouse button (PC users need to use the right mouse button) while the cursor is positioned on a hypertext link. From the menu that pops up, select Open in New Window or New Window with this Link. A new browser window will open on the screen.

Open and manage multiple browser tabs

All of the most recent versions of the commonly used web browsers all make it possible to open new Tabs. Tabs work just like Windows but are easier to navigate. Instead of multiple windows cluttering your screen, the new windows appear with navigation tabs right above the window. You can navigate between tabs by clicking on these tabs and can close the tabs by clicking on the close button on the tab (typically an X).

Note: Many of the links from the module webpages to the exploration webpages are set to automatically open in a new web browser window (or tab). When you finish your exploration of the suggested websites, you can close the browser window or tab to return to the module webpage.

Important Note: It is recommended that you always resize your web browser windows to less than full-screen size when using the course website. You can use the logo at the top of the screen for a reference point. If you resize the browser window to a width no wider than the logo, there should be room on the screen for other browser windows.



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Fresno Pacific University Continuing Education

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Website maintained by Bob Jost | bobjost@gmail.com | last revised 1.31.18

Copyright © 1998-2018 by Bob Jost & Geoffrey Jost.  All rights reserved. No part of this website may be
transmitted, stored or recorded in any form without written permission from the authors.